Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Education Podcast Network

The Education Podcast Network is an effort to bring together into one place, the wide range of podcast programming that may be helpful to teachers looking for content to teach with and about, and to explore issues of teaching and learning in the 21st century.
Recently Added
• Last Chance For Justice- The History Of The Supreme Court
• Suzhou,China--A Paradise on the Earth
• Dose of Motivation
• The History Faculty
• Pritzker Podcast
Most of the producers of these programs are educators, who have found an avenue through which they can share their knowledge, insights, and passions for teaching and learning and for the stories that they relish and teach. The directory will grow as more people come forward with their stories and ideas, and we hope that you will start to share your ideas with the larger education community by producing your own program.

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