Sunday, December 13, 2009

Authoring tool

An authoring tool is a software package which developers use to create and package content deliverable to end users.
Though authoring tools have a range of uses, they are commonly used to create e-learning modules. These modules are generally written to conform to some international standard, such as SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) or AICC (CBT) (Aviation Industry CBT Committee).CBT
Distribution of content created with authoring tools also varies. Distribution methods include: web, kiosk, interactive CD-ROM, and executable file.
Since the term is somewhat general, many programs can be considered authoring tools, including web editors, Flash, and PowerPoint. However, only a small group of programs specifically include support for e-learning content standards including LectureMAKER, e2train Compose, Atlantic Link Content Point, Macromedia (Adobe) Authorware, Director, Dynamic PowerTrainer, Lectora, ToolBook, Compendle and RWD uPerform, STT Trainer by Kaplan IT.

1 comment:

  1. E learning tools has been very popular to students nowadays. They can even download the lectures and study notes thru podcast and review the lessons right away.
