The ADL Registry was developed by the ADL Initiative and is the central search point for the discovery of DoD training, education, performance, and decision-aiding content that can be redeployed, rearranged, repurposed, and rewritten. In much the same way that a card from the card catalog contains descriptive information about books in a library, the ADL Registry contains all of the registered entries that contain metadata about the content in a repository.
The ADL Registry provides centrally searchable information, in the form of metadata records (not actual content). The metadata describes many different kinds of objects to enable their discovery and reuse regardless of their location or origin. Like SCORM, DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1322.26 Development, Management, and Delivery of Distributed Learning. DoDI 1322.26 requires that all acquired or developed SCORM content packages shall include metadata, be registered in the ADL-R, and be maintained in DoD Components’ repositories that are searchable and accessible.
The ADL Registry provides centrally searchable information, in the form of metadata records (not actual content). The metadata describes many different kinds of objects to enable their discovery and reuse regardless of their location or origin. Like SCORM, DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1322.26 Development, Management, and Delivery of Distributed Learning. DoDI 1322.26 requires that all acquired or developed SCORM content packages shall include metadata, be registered in the ADL-R, and be maintained in DoD Components’ repositories that are searchable and accessible.
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